Friday, November 30, 2007

Taking Chance in the Tops of the world

Taking Chance in the tops of the worls

::: USA: #3 (214.381) - #8 (128.086) (2 weeks)
:: Canada: #1 (79.354) - #1 (44.000) (2 weeks)
:: Quebéc: #1 (48.123) - #1 (2 weeks)
:: Argentina: #8 - #7 (2 weeks)
:: France: #2 (29.378) - #6 (12.820) (2 weeks)
:: Switzerland: #2 (Gold - 15.000) - #2 - (2 weeks)
:: Belgium (Wallonie): #20 - #5 -(2 weeks)
:: Belgium (Flandres): #31 - #7 - (2 weeks)
:: UK: #5 (55.592) - #10 (33.495) (2 weeks)
:: Ireland: #6 - #6 -(2 weeks)
:: Germany: #5 - #7 -(2 weeks)
:: Austria: #3 - #3 -(2 weeks)
:: Netherlands: #4 - #7 -(2 weeks)
:: Italy: #5 - #8 - (2 weeks)
:: Portugal: #12 - #9 - (2 weeks)
:: Spain: #8 - #14 -(2 weeks)
:: Norway: #7 - (1 week)
:: Sweden: #8 - #11 -(2 weeks)
:: Denmark: #2 - #5 - (2 weeks)
:: Finland: #19 - #16 -(2 weeks)
:: Estonia: #19 + #22 - (1 week)
:: Hungary: #38 - (1 week)
:: Poland: #21 - (1 week)
::Japan: #6 (19.529) - #15 (12.284) - #21 (9.742) (3 weeks)
::Korea: #18 - (1 week)
::Australia: #12 (5.149) (Gold - 35.000) - #15 - (2 weeks)
:: New Zealand: #4 - #7 (Gold - 7.500) (2 weeks)

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